Pre-Meeting Email 10/11

Hello beautiful people!!

Apologies for the delay on this email, I know I often send them out Monday night, but by the time I remembered last night, I figured it would pretty much be the same as sending it out this morning!

Alas, we don't have too too much to discuss this coming meeting, but we do have a few notes!!

First up, we have a brief little recap of our Raystown mountain biking trip as well as a  recap for our Laurel Highlands trip!! From what I've heard they were roaring successes, but I personally can't wait to hear more from our respective chairs about the trips!

Next, we have sent out the roster for the New!! If you did not get an email regarding you being on our trip to the NRG, you unfortunately did not get on the trip. For those who DID get on the email, it is imperative that you attend tonight's meeting in order to get more information about the trip, collect gear, and meet your cars. If you are on the trip and cannot make it tonight email me to work something out.

Lastly, we will also be holding signups for our trip to Raccoon Creek which is an overnight backpacking trip to Raccoon Creek in two weekends!! It's set to be a super fun trip that is equally challenging as it is approachable for newcomers!

We will also be holding signups for Dolly Sods (but for real this time, fingers crossed)! If you're interesting in backpacking, show up to tonight's meeting!! Many signups for all the fun trips you desire!

Think that just about does it for me! Can't wait to see you all tonight!!
Please check the FAQ before emailing with questions:

Your most loyal secretary,
Aidan Bell


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