PODC Elections??? (not clickbait)
Hello all you beautiful people!!
This email is coming to you in the love Times New Roman as I copied a bunch of stuff from our notes and can't be bothered to change the font. We have a bit of a lot of information, so I would politely ask that you take five minutes to read through the whole email and then let your questions be generated! :)
FIRSTLY, we will have ELECTIONS. This is something we used to do, but really got thrown off due to covid and just a whole load of chaos. BUT, as we feel we have the club back on track, we are opening it back up! On 2/21, in Cathy 239, at 9:15pm, we will be meeting and then holding elections at 9:30pm. We will be sending out an email between now and then to update candidate information. YOU MUST be in-person to vote. If you have a conflict at the time, you will need to coordinate with us in advance to submit a sealed envelope with your vote AHEAD of the meeting.
With this in mind, we have two forms that we will ask you to fill out.
Firstly, we have an officer INTEREST form.
You should fill this out if you are interested in becoming an officer, this would be a chair of one or a few roles (i.e.- climbing, hiking, rafting) who would assist in organizing and leading trips. If you fill this out, you will not be forced to, or guaranteed to be a chair, but it will indicate to us that you would LIKE to become one.
Officer interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDMQIrqPMaGzsoExf3SamA5T6qHZjCfwaIM5vEmwrfmc62BQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Secondly, we have a 'Running for Admin' form. THIS IS COMMITTAL. If you fill this out, you are committing to running for a specific administrative role, and will be entered into the club's election, being held on 2/21. ONLY FILL THIS OUT if you TRULY WANT to be in an administrative role.
Running for admin form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiNxmjY8lVdPCyxzZIySO3MQpwEupuH_lsAngaOBnfqEkg7g/viewform?usp=sf_link
If you have any questions regarding administrative roles, or officer roles, please check out this document that provides information regarding each role. If you have questions beyond, please feel free to reach out to the current person (or people) in that position.
Officer details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14YRrzXpdBGSLHUtRbK15-Y0NX2uqYYF1RFOeTFILLYA/edit
Anywho, so that's most of the tea regarding the club, I believe we'll have trip info up soon. To my dearest climbing friends in the club, keep an eye on the climbing tab in the discord for a trip maybe coming up soon, TBD.
Link to discord: https://discord.gg/NqjDGPArKQ
Okay! That just about does it from me! Oh wtf my font changed back, that's so quirky. ANYWHO, please let me know if you started reading this in a different accent because the font changed, I'm curious. Wait do you guys read this in my voice? Do you even know what I sound like enough to read it in my voice??? Woah that's so quirky.
OKAY enough is enough, signing off for now,
Love ya byeeeeeeeeee,
Aidan Bell
Outdoors Secret Ary Club Man
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