Elections Summary

Hello all you beautiful people!

Last night we had our elections, a few parties ran unopposed, but we did have a few races! In the end we will have three new administrative peeps next year!

New Admin
President) Ally Wetherhold
Vice President) Owen Knight
Business Manager) Emma Horning
Secretary) Sophie Meyer

Activity-specific VP's (like hiking VP, climbing VP, etc) will be decided amongst the chairs as these roles are less administrative and more so created to organize the chairs, thus, they're selected by the chairs!

In addition, you did read that last admin role correctly, as I'm graduating, I will be passing the torch at the end of the semester, I'll write some real heartfelt message later to say goodbye and then y'all can bawl your eyes out, but NO SOONER OKAY?

Lastly, I'm gonna plug it one more time, sign-up for our climbing trip to breakneck!! It's gonna be super fun, just a little day trip THIS Saturday. We already have a roster semi-finalized, but have the capacity to bring more climbers if we only had more cars. SO, if you have a car and sign-up, you'd likely get on the trip shhhhhh. Just a thought!

Okay I think that does it for me, if you have any questions please respond to this email!

Love ya byeeeeeeee,
Usurped Outdoors Club Secretary


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