Weekly Update!
Hey all! This is Kira typing with an important announcement and call to action: Please sign this petition to save the Sports Dome!!! Listen. Here's the sitch. Pitt wants to tear down the $13mil Sports Dome on upper campus and build something for varsity athletes up where it is. Now please keep in mind that the Dome was built only FIVE years ago, and it's not planned to be torn down because of any structural or safety issues, they just want to build another thing for varsity athletes. Now listen, our varsity athletes are great and super impressive and deserve great facilities! But they already HAVE several facilities around campus. The Dome is basically the ONLY place for Club Sports, and it was built specifically for club sports. It's the only place on campus with an indoor field. So many sports use it to practice, rain or shine, and it can also be reserved by any Pitt student, making it a great resource for the Pitt community. There are simply NO good alternatives for Club Sports to use if the Dome gets torn down as is currently planned.
Since the Outdoors Club is a Club Sport, I go to the monthly Club Sports Presidents Meetings. At a recent one, the Club Sports Lacrosse President and Vice President, Ty and Malik, brought up the fact that the Dome was set to be torn down- and Pitt was trying to do it quietly, without inviting student voices in the process. But that's our tuition money babey and our voices should be heard! So Ty and Malik gave us the rundown and made a Groupme for those interested in saving the Dome, and recently sent out this petition that they're going to present to Deans Bonner and Panzella. This petition doesn't necessarily guarantee anything, but I figured that since the Outdoors Club has the unique advantage of having wayyy more members and reach than most Club Sports, we should use it to our advantage. So I've made the petition into a Google Doc that is linked below (it's "anyone with link can edit, please keep the formatting and everything, and feel free to share outside the Outdoors Club/with other Club Sports/with other Pitt people too since it's for all Pitt students/staff/etc and all of our voices matter). I request that you please take a moment to sign it (you can add an actual signature by going to Insert > drawing > New > using the Scribble function, and then signing either full name or initials). Put 'Outdoors Club' as the Sport, unless you also represent any other club sports at Pitt, and then list as many as apply. You can also probably put in any special notes about the Dome in that center column if you think they'd be useful.
Even though the Outdoors Club itself doesn't use the actual Dome a whole lot, we understand how important it is to the Pitt Club Sports community. We have our gear locker up by the Dome and so the officers are around there a decent amount when the club is busy, and it's a really useful place and like I said, basically the only space dedicated to Club Sports here at Pitt. Pitt loves to advertise the Club Sports program but then is trying to take away a major resource! It's so silly and I think we should do what we can to prevent it.
I put the link and a few resources below. News will be sent in that Groupme and I'll try to let you know later on if something significant happens. Thanks for reading this and hopefully signing it!! Share it with your Pitt friends! Save the Dome!
à à à PLS SIGN THE PETITION HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18GiDcWVdi8wIB5__fBxgyXSybU_enWkkdVOwB7rb80o/edit?usp=sharing ß ß ß
Sports Dome Discussion Groupme: https://groupme.com/join_group/83953373/NHg4pIT6
Ty Tracy (Club Sports Lacrosse President): tjt40@pitt.edu
Malik Talaat (CS Lax VP): mtt33@pitt.edu
Article about the Dome being built: https://pittnews.com/article/119056/sports/pitt-unveils-club-sports-facility/
Club Sports Council contacts (we've also been in contact with these people some, they are students I believe but represent Club Sports): https://www.studentaffairs.pitt.edu/campus-recreation/clubs-sports/club-sports-council/
This is a bit time-sensitive too, so if you could try and sign the petition before 2/7 that would be great. I also would like to note that this entire construction process has been highly secretive. As some of you may know, I work at the climbing wall, and we've been nearly unable to get any new equipment because Pitt was building a new climbing wall at Victory Heights... But inspection of the construction plans show no mention of this. I'm not saying Pitt isn't outright lying, perhaps plans changed or the plans I'd found were outdated. But the fact that this isn't clearly stated and even more funding towards the very well-funded varsity sports at the expense of the smaller clubs is really messed up. Please sign this petition, I'm not saying new facilities are bad, but the school owes us honesty at the very least.
It's annoying that we have to do so much to get this attention, but more voices in unison to get heard.
Thank you for reading this whole email, I know this was a longer one, greatly appreciate each one of you guys. Stay safe and warm out there!
Aidan Bell
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