When in Bear Country...

Hello all!

Hope you all had a wonderful winter break and gorged yourself on all the holiday goodies and are deeply interested to get back outside!

I'm also hoping that my vague, and somewhat alarming title of this email grabbed your attention, though it is a bit misleading. I merely mean to say that the club is currently hibernating! It is winter, it is cold, and a lot of our offerings are significantly dampened by cold weather and especially the wonderful snow we just received!

We will absolutely return this semester with a vengeance because the outdoors must be explored and we must do so, but as of right now, it's still a wee bit too chilly to get back out there and get sendy. We will likely get warmed up with some smaller, local Pittsburgh activities like a Schenley hike or something, and we'll also hold meetings (maybe on zoom, maybe in a rented space on campus, tbd) to prep everyone for all the fun plans we have! But again, as of right now, don't fret, you're not missing any events, and also don't fret, the club still exists.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Otherwise, get out there, and play in the snow, we got the day off so let's get snowy!!

If anyone wants to make a snowman, please give them a mustache, because I NEVER see snowmen with mustaches.

Alright, peace y'all, stay warm, have cocoa!
Your Secretary or something


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