The Meeting 1,315 Days After The First "Groundhog Day" Email

Howdy pardners! It sure is a beautiful day out, isn't it?
Is it? I don't actually know, I'm writing up this draft on Monday to update on Tuesday.

Anywho, I know some of you folks have graduated or just aren't interested in receiving emails anymore, which is all peachy, you can just follow this nifty link here to unsubscribe:

We loved having you in the club :)

NOW, a meeting synopsis:

- We had Laurel Highlands this past weekend! It was great, people backpacked, they had a blast, there are pics on our instagram if you're interested!

- Dolly Sods is THIS WEEKEND! We're sending some lovely people out into West Virginia to backpack around in a beautiful vista! Contact Misha ( or Emma ( with questions.

- Raystown is the following Saturday (10/9). If you wanna mountain bike, whether you're a pro or a rookie, this trip is for you! Signups here: Contact Jason with questions (

- The New River Gorge is the weekend after! The New is one of our staple trips, we will have climbing, backpacking and camping vibes for any and all interested! This is a big trip, so it will be a bit competitive, but there's also a lot of space! Signups here: General questions to Kira( or ME(, climbing questions to Lupin(, hiking questions to Alex (

- We are a part of the SOOS, they have First Thursday meetings on the first thursday of every month on the patio right around the corner from our meeting place. Any of you are welcome to go! Just about general SOOS info, what other SOOS clubs are doing, etc.

Alright y'all, that's all from me, shoot me an email if you have questions, otherwise stay safe, do your homework, please be aware of people on bikes when crossing the street, I swear I'm not trying to hit you, I had a green lightttttt.

Okay sleep tight y'all!
Aidan Bell
Outdoors Club Secretary


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