Meeting Minutes 213 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks,

Hope you're stoked to be psyched because this week we're signing up for Ohiopyle.  This is one of our biggest trips of the semester and it is unfailingly a rowdy weekend full of good times, gorgeous vistas, and gnarly sends.  There are going to be groups heading out hiking, climbing, whitewater rafting, and potentially mountain biking.  If any of those things tickle your fancy, stoke your psyche, or float your boat come down so you can throw down in on and around the beautiful Youghiogheny River. Sign up here:

If you're interested in mountain biking, slacklining, or trail running we've got some groups of folks that get after it on weekdays like the dedicated sons of guns that they are.  If you want in on this follow these links to join the groupmes:
        Mountain biking: respond to this email with your phone number, I don't know how to use groupme

Remember everyone, it's not too late to drop whatever classes you have on Fridays so you can have more time in the woods and less homework.  



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