Meeting 227 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks,

We're meeting at 9:00pm Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 in room 120 of David Lawrence Hall, 3942 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260. 

If you're hanging on to any gear from Ohiopyle please let us know or just bring it to the meeting.

This week we're having sign ups for a backpacking trip to Hocking Hills in Ohio with the University of Cincinnati's Mountaineering Club.  Now maybe you're more well versed in midwestern geography than I am, but I was fucking blown away when I heard that there are hills in Ohio.  Who would've guessed?  If you want to go check out those potentially made up hills with our buckeye fueled friends from Cincinnati you're probably going to have to come to the meeting tomorrow and get in line quick, because there are only like 10-12 spots on this trip.  Side note, there's a pretty cool band from Ohio called Caamp, you should check them out. 

If you're on the hunt for some boots or a sleeping bag this could be your lucky day.  Also stop hunting inanimate objects, it's lame.  Nicole Charache is selling a pair of women's size 7 Vasque boots and a small 25 degree sleeping bag.  If you're interested shoot her an email at or text her at 609-752-5552. 



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