
Showing posts from 2019

Sick outdoors Study Abroad opportunity!

Hey everyone! This Tuesday we are going to have a presentation from our very own Pitt professor Brian Schultz about a super rad study abroad opportunity that will be offered this year as a Maymester. He is going to give us all the info about this program and answer any questions you guys may have. If you are in to backpacking in the Himalayas or getting some wilderness medicine certifications for school credit you might want to make it out to this meeting. Also Finley went on this trip last year and he will add some personal experience and give it to you straight. Hope to see you all out there.  Here is some eye candy for a little extra motivation for you to come out to the meeting and learn about how to go here.  120 David Lawrence Hall 9:00 Tuesday if you forgot

Meeting 269 [Nice] days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, We've not got much going on tonight, no sign ups or anything, but if you're the kinda no-good, grubby, son of a sea lion that doesn't have much going on on a Tuesday evening by all means come and hang out. Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 262 days after Groundhog Day


Meeting 262 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope your stoke transmission is geared to get weird because we're about to powershift this sumbitch and bounce the send-levels off the redline.  These next couple weekends, Weekends,  WEEKENDS  we're heading off on some sweet trips.  Like a soccer mom with a hydroflask full of zinfandel, we've got minivans  and they're going all over the place. . I don't care how psyched you are, you're not psyched enough.  Hell yeah I just figured out how  links  work. Novembers 1st, 2nd, and 3rd we're going down to Seneca  ROCKS !  We're going to be  CAVING  and  CLIMBING .  The caving there is pretty cool, real dark and stuff.  The climbing is pretty cool too.  The routes are fun and there's some decent exposure, which is not the kind I got arrested for.   Then two weeks later we're gonna go look at space  from the  woods.  Novembers 15th, 16th, and 17th we're heading out to Cherry Springs.  Cherry Springs is one of the  darkest  places in the c...

Meeting 255 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Why did you join this club? Huh? What do you want out of this? Did you just want to hang out in the woods, maybe snag a few pics for the 'gram? Maybe you wanted a reason to get out of Oakland, dodge some homework.  Do you have some high-minded ideas about experiencing wilderness?  I bet you do.  You think you're John Fuckin' Muir?  Be honest, you're Thoreau at best.  Want to change that? Want to be cooler than Thoreau?  You can be cooler than Thoreau.  You can do that by strapping everything you need for a weekend to you back and coming to Dolly Sods.  It's a wilderness area in West Virginia.  Shit's beautiful, you'll love it.   Come to 120 Lawrence tonight at 9pm to sign up. Also this is our advanced backpacking trip, so maybe know what you're doing before you sign up. All my love, Jon

Meeting minutes 248 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, It's apple time you turkeys.  October 20.  A Sunday.  Come with us to the apple lands and pick apples and eat apples and bask in the glorious light of apples.  It's autumn.  Celebrate autumn by celebrating apples.  Make a pie, make a cobbler, throw apples at your friends, throw apples at your enemies, the options are as endless as the apples are delicious.  Sign up for applegedon 2k19 here: Outdoors club Craigslist: Mia is selling some climbing shoes, LaSportiva Otaki's size 39 Gus is selling a big ass crashpad If anyones interested email me. Best, Jon

Meeting 248 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Well spice my pumpkins and call me deer season it's fall.  Bust out our favorite sweater, pour some bourbon into your apple cider, and get stoked to get fruit 'cause we're going apple picking.  It's all the fun of a cute cuffing season date without having to pretend to be interested in some boring schmuck.  We'll be heading to where the pie fuel grows Sunday, October 20.  If you're psyched on some light agricultural work come sign up tonight at 9pm in 120 Lawrence. Best, Jon

Meeting minutes 241 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Big news out of the meeting last night.  A new and improved trip to the New that's bound to be full of exciting new experiences.  There's gonna be rock climbing and hiking.  Maybe a dash of whitewater and mountain biking too, but don't hold me to that.   Sign up here: Best, Jon

Meeting 241 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, We're meeting in 120 Lawrence at 9pm tomorrow night. This week we're having sign ups for the New!  There's a bunch of incredible hiking and climbing around the New and a couple rivers and a lake to jump in.  It's pretty cool.  You should come. Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes Addendum

Hey folks, Some day, hopefully in the not too distant future, I'll learn how to read and start proofreading these emails.  Until then, I'm just going to keep sending them two at a time when people tell me I screwed up.  I'm sorry in advance. The mountain biking trip to Raystown is Saturday, October 5th, not the 15th.  Best, John

Meeting Minutes 234 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Come mountain biking.  It's the best times.  You get to be around trees, get that sweet sweet adrenaline fix, and hang out with some cool folks.  We usually get pizza afterward too.  We're getting some rental bikes so if you don't have a mountain bike you're still more than welcome to come shred the gnar.  Saturday, October 15. Sign up here: Also caves.  They're dark, they're dank, and they're dope.  I'm afraid of caves but you guys are cooler than me so you should go caving.  Lewisburg is sweet, and you can see some bats. Bats are cool.  October 4-6.  Sign up here: Best, Jon

Meeting 234 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, We're having a big ol' meeting in Lawrence 120 tonight at 9pm, you should come. There are going to be sign ups for the Lewisburg caving trip, and the Raystown mountain biking trip. If you're stoked to get down and dirty in a hole in the ground Lewisburg is the perfect opportunity.  It's our beginner caving trip so you probably won't get stuck down there, but if you do you'll get to hang out with Cris for a really long time and that's pretty sweet.  The trip is going to be October 4-6.  I think y'all'll be staying in cabins so it's nice and bougie for members of the outdoors club who aren't to psyched on being outside. Mountain biking at Raystown is sick as hell.  We're going there Saturday, October 5.  Raystown has fun, flowy trails without a lot of technical stuff to ride, so it's a great place to try mountain biking for the first time.  Those of you who are already shreddy need not worry about a boring day of XC spinning ...

Climate Strike

Hey folks, So as you may have heard the Earth is dying and it's humanity's fault.  The peeps in power aren't particularly inclined to do a damn thing about it, and for some dipshit reason its fallen to students and young folks to convince them that inaction is a mistake.   Tomorrow there's going to be a global climate strike, people around the world are cutting class and bailing on work to call for action on climate change.  The local protest, organized by Fridays for Future is in downtown Pittsburgh from 12-4 at the City County Building on Grant St.  Come be part of the largest youth climate protest in history, and do what you can for the sake of your own future and the future of our goddamn planet.   If you have any questions or want a group to go down to the protest with shoot me an email, or just meet us in front of the Union at 11:15 tomorrow. Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 227 days after Groundhog Day

Hey Folks, Tonight we had sign ups for a backpacking trip to Hocking Hills, Ohio.  This trip is going got be September 28-29.  It's a mobile mixer between your very own Pitt Outdoors Club and the University of Cincinnati's Mountaineering Club organized by the one and only Emmy Brown.  If you're psyched on backpacking with our westerly neighbors sign up here: Best, Jon

Meeting 227 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, We're meeting at 9:00pm Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 in room 120 of David Lawrence Hall, 3942 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260.  If you're hanging on to any gear from Ohiopyle please let us know or just bring it to the meeting. This week we're having sign ups for a backpacking trip to Hocking Hills in Ohio with the University of Cincinnati's Mountaineering Club.  Now maybe you're more well versed in midwestern geography than I am, but I was fucking blown away when I heard that there are hills in Ohio.  Who would've guessed?  If you want to go check out those potentially made up hills with our buckeye fueled friends from Cincinnati you're probably going to have to come to the meeting tomorrow and get in line quick, because there are only like 10-12 spots on this trip.  Side note, there's a pretty cool band from Ohio called Caamp, you should check them out.  If you're on the hunt for some boots or a sleeping bag this could be y...

Meeting Minutes 220 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, ROCKS.  Boil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a stew.  Or just come to Breakneck Saturday the 21st and climb them.  Sign up here: Also, we're missing an eight person tent from last semester.  If you know where that's at it would be sweet if you told us.  And if you know and don't tell us we're going to send Betsy after you.  Betsy has a certain set of skills, skills that make her a nightmare for people that take her tents. Best, Jon

Meeting 220 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, You know what's really cool? Rocks.  Rocks are the best.  You can throw them at stuff, live under them, or waste four years of your life in the Geology Department learning about them.  But by far the dopest, sweetest, most goshdiddlydamn tubular thing about rocks is that you can climb those chunky sons of guns. That's the good shit that we're going to be getting after at Breakneck, September 21st.   Breakneck is an awesome crag outside of Connersville, and we'll be heading down there on a Sunday day trip.  Despite the name, we'll take all necessary precautions to maintain the structural integrity of your neck.  We've got a bunch of ropes and stuff, it'll be great.  This is a really good place for folks who are new to climbing or haven't climbed outside before to come and get a feel for real, all natural, sustainably farmed rocks.   If that sounds like something that rolls your boulder, come by 120 Lawrence tonight at 9pm to sign up. Best, Jon ...

I forgot a thing y'all

Sorry about the double email, but if you signed up for Ohiopyle and need to borrow any gear, shoot us an email.   Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 213 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope you're stoked to be psyched because this week we're signing up for Ohiopyle.  This is one of our biggest trips of the semester and it is unfailingly a rowdy weekend full of good times, gorgeous vistas, and gnarly sends.  There are going to be groups heading out hiking, climbing, whitewater rafting, and potentially mountain biking.  If any of those things tickle your fancy, stoke your psyche, or float your boat come down so you can throw down in on and around the beautiful Youghiogheny River. Sign up here: If you're interested in mountain biking, slacklining, or trail running we've got some groups of folks that get after it on weekdays like the dedicated sons of guns that they are.  If you want in on this follow these links to join the groupmes:         Trail running:         Slacklining:         Mountain biking: respond ...

Meeting 213 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope y'all had a good time at the meeting last week because it's time for round two.  We're going to be meeting in 120 David Lawrence at 9pm tomorrow (Tuesday Sept. 3).   We're stoked as all hell to have so many new folks interested in the club for this year.  To help answer some common questions that people have had, our illustrious leader Kieran put together a FAQ sheet.  See attachment for the meanings of life, love, and the universe at large. This week we're going to have sign ups for the Ohiopyle trip September 13-15.  If you want to go hiking, climbing, whitewater rafting, or just hang out and camp by a river with some really cool folks this is the perfect opportunity.    Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 206 Days After Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope y'all had a sendy, sandy, and sweaty summer.  That shit's over now though and it's back to the ol' grind.  If you want to break up the Hillman to Hem's to home pipeline on weekends this semester we've got your ticket right here.   We've got trail running, mountain biking, and slacklining groupmes that'll be a way for folks interested in getting after those things in Pittsburgh to stay in touch with each other and get together.   Here's a message from the man with the best hair on this or any side of the Mississippi, your trail running chair, Nate Farrar:        Hello trail runners,         If you haven't already please join the GroupMe chat  and  fill out the when2meet. This is how I will decide the scheduled run times for the semester so please fill it out.       Best,       Nate         GroupMe Link:         When2Meet Link: If you want ad...

Meeting 65 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Have you been outside today? Go outside, it's so nice.  I'm losing my shit.  The birds are out, the sun is chirping, fuck school go outside. In honor of Mother Nature really pulling through today, our meeting is going to be out on the WPU patio.  Come hang out at 9pm tonight. Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 58 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope your Tuesday is as tumultuous as ever!  If you're psyched to get wyld at the Pyle sign up for our trip to Ohiopyle.  The trip is April 12-14, there's going to be hiking, climbing, and mountain biking. That same weekend there's going to be a caving trip down to Spruce Knob in WV.  Crawl through some cool stuff and sleep in a cave!  Cris will be there too! I'm not saying you'll be sleeping with Cris in a cave, but you'll definitely be sleeping in a cave with Cris. Also here are the pictures Steve and Fabian took last weekend: Best, Jon (and Mia)

Meeting 58 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, What are your thoughts on piles?  If they're anything but overwhelmingly positive I hope you're ready for that to change drastically because April 12-14 we're heading down to the best pile on this side of the Youghiogheny, Ohiopyle.  Not only is this pile at the top of the pile as far as piles go, it's better than the whole state of Ohio.  It's the best of both parts of its name!  There's going to be some hiking, there's going to be some climbing, and there's going to be some mountain biking sprinkled in there, you know, for the kids.   In this section of the email, back despite a complete lack of demand, I'm going to talk about Cris' ass.  It's wonderful, it's great, it's what gets me up in the morning.  No matter how you feel about caves you should absolutely go on the caving trip to Spruce Knob April 12-14 for the sake of Cris' ass.  Caving trips are an unbeatable opportunity to stare at Cris' ass for an extended...

Meeting Minutes 52 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, We had sign ups for the Seneca Rocks trip tonight.  Seneca has some super awesome rock climbing that we'll be getting after.  There's some caves that you can crawl through too, it'll be dope.  If you want to climb and haven't done multi-pitch trad before you'll need to come up to the wall for a workshop.  It'll take like half an hour and you'll learn some cool skills that you can use if you ever find yourself in an action movie.  The trip is April 5-7. Sign up here: Best, Jon

Meeting 52 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, A long time ago in a West Virginia far far away geology went nuts and left a big ol' chunk of Tuscarora quartzite sticking straight up out of a hill. Shit's crazy.  Anyway, we're going to go climb that sumbitch.   April 5-7 we'll be heading down to Seneca Rocks to do some climbing and caving.  This is a more advanced climbing trip since we're going to be on multi-pitch trad routes.  If you want to get sendy on this one you need to be comfortable lead belaying, and if you've never followed or cleaned trad lines before you need to come up to the climbing wall for a workshop to learn how.  There's going to be a small caving group going out too so if that's your bag, don't miss out on another chance to watch Cris wriggle himself into a dark dirty little hole.  All this and more tonight at 9pm in A221 Langley.  Best, John 

Meeting 45 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, You know what's exciting? Fucking budget proposals!  We're working on the budget for next year tonight so if there's something you want to see happen next year this is your last chance to pitch it.   We're also going to have sign ups for the New River Gorge trip, heading out March 29th.  The New has a ton of awesome rocks to climb, some sweet trails to hike and bike on, and a big ass bridge that's pretty neat.  Also there's a Biscuit World down there. A221 Langley at 9pm, get psyched. Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 31 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Sorry these are so late, this week has just been one long punch in the dick.   We had sign ups for Raystown Lake mountain biking and Dolly Sods backpacking. Raystown is some super great mountain biking, and we'll be renting some bikes so if you don't have a ride you can borrow one.  It's a pretty physical trip, we'll be riding for about five ours with breaks, so keep that in mind when you're deciding to come.  This will be a day trip on Saturday March 23 Dolly Sods is a frickin beautiful area down in West Virginia.  This is our intermediate backpacking trip so the mileage is a bit more.  It's totally worth the walk though because Dolly Sods is one of the best backpacking areas on the east coast. This trip will be March 22-24. Hunter is organizing some therapeutic hikes in Schenley within the next couple weeks, so if that's something you'd be intereste...

Meeting 31 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, This week we're going to have sign ups for Dolly Sods and Raystown. Dolly Sods is a super cool backpacking trip down in West Virginia.  It's our intermediate backpacking trip so it'll be a bit more mileage than other backpacking trips we've done.  The area is absolutely gorgeous and this trip is a lot of fun.  It'll be the weekend of March 22-24. Raystown is our mountain biking trip.  If you're psyched to tearing up some spicy single track but don't have a bike this is your chance to hang it out there and roost some sweet berms.  We're going to be renting some bikes for people to use, and if you have your own whip you can bring that dirty bird out and put some miles on it.  This will be the same weekend as Dolly Sods.  We're working on the budget for next semester, so if there are any new trips you want to see happen next year let us know! One last thing, tomorrow Anaïs Peterson is in a runoff election for VP of SGB.  She has a lot of grea...

Meeting minutes 24 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Last night we had sign ups for the trip to Cherry Springs.  It's a super swanky trip up to one of the darkest parts of the country, so if the stars are out they're going to be gorgeous.  During the day there are some pretty sweet hikes to be had.  If you're stoked to get a good look at some space stuff this weekend sign up here: Best, Jon

Meeting 24 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, This weekend we're sending a trip out to Cherry Springs, maybe the coolest state park in Pennsylvania.  It's one of the darkest places in the country, on clear nights you can see the Milky Way.  Shit's crazy.  There's a bunch of cool hiking to be had during the day, but gosh diddly damn the stars are so beautiful out there I can't even describe it.  This trip will be leaving Friday and coming back Sunday We're also going to be having sign ups for a short hike with Free the Planet on the Rachel Carson trail just outside of Pittsburgh.  There's a fracking well pad that's being built next to the trail named after Pittsburgh's most famous and influential environmentalist.  We're going to go check that fuckery out and talk about the impacts of fracking and the natural gas industry at large has on the environment and community around it.  We'll be heading out around 10am Sunday, and we'll be back in Oakland before 5.   Hope everyone ...

Meeting Minutes 17 Days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Last night we had sign ups for a day hiking trip to Cooper's Rocks on Sunday the 24th. If you're interested sign up here: Sadly the Lewisburg caving trip is going to have to be postponed.  To stay updated on when trips are going out you can check out the calendar at Everyone's favorite father figure and Outdoors Club alum Ian Hesner has one more gift to give this club, and that's love.  Check out Ian's new dating app Inrstellar and let Daddy Hesner get you laid.   Best, Jon

Meeting 17 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope everyone's stoked to meet tomorrow because that's what we're doing.  9pm in A221 Langley, it's the coolest thing you could be doing on a Tuesday night.   We're going to be having sign ups for the Laurel Highlands backpacking trip and the Lewisburg caving trip at the meeting.   Laurel Highlands is our beginner backpacking trip.  You'll be hiking a few miles the first day, sleeping in shelters, and hiking a few more miles on Sunday.  This is the perfect first backpacking trip if you've never gone before and want to try it!  We've got backpacks and sleeping stuff for people to borrow if they need.  This trip is tentatively scheduled for this weekend.  That's dependent on the weather though so we might end up rescheduling. Lewisburg is a sweet caving trip down in West Virginia.  If you're psyched to get down and dirty in a hole this is the ticket.  If you're the kind of person who thinks stalactites are tight you're not going ...

Meeting 10 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Instead of having a meeting tonight we're going to not have a meeting tonight.  Could be wild, who knows.   Tomorrow night, come celebrate Galantine's Day by watching some awesome women crush the gnarliest of gnar in the No Man's Land Film Festival.  9pm tomorrow (Wednesday) night in A221 Langley, and it's free.  Check out the deets on the Facebook: Best, Jon

Meeting three days after Groundhog Day

Hey Folks,  Meeting tomorrow at 9pm in A221 Langley Get your voting shorts out because it's election season.  It's time for some good old fashioned political upheaval in the Outdoors Club.  Tomorrow night vote for whoever you think you can exercise the most influence over, and if they don't win take to the streets and stage a coup! This Saturday we're going on a hiking day trip to Mt. Davis.  This is your chance to be the highest person in Pennsylvania, because good ol' Mt. Dave is the highest point in the state. The best farmers in Oakland, Plant2Plate, are having a tea sale fundraiser.  If you want to snag some of those good good leaf bags, check out this form: See y'all tomorrow! Best, Jon

Meeting Minutes 4 days before Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope everyone had a good time getting a little alpine today.  Who needs to try and get on the next north face expedition to antarctica when we can just dry tool up the Chevron steps? Nate's getting the trail running groupme going, so if you're interested in being a part of that send us an email with your name and phone number. There's some pretty sweet stuff going on this week: -There's a bouldering comp up at Pitt's climbing wall in Trees Hall this Saturday at 1pm.  $5 suggested donation for entry.  Come show off your weird Popeyeish forearms and intimate knowledge of climbing jargon.  While you're at it you can try and send some of Fin's chossy routes as well.  -Wednesday the 13th the No Man's Land film festival is rolling through.  If you want to watch some of the coolest women in adventure sports do some crazy shit, this is the ticket.  With any luck this will convince some partners to swap out the bullshit Valentine's Day bouquet for ...

Meeting 4 days before Groundhog Day

Hey folks, Hope you're hype for a happening hang because tonights meeting is going to be hawesome. We're talking about safety and leave no trace principles in the outdoors.  Sounds boring but it's important to keep yourself and the woods from getting fucked up. For you machiavellian types out there, get ready for a grab at some arbitrary power because board elections for next year are coming up next week.  We'll talk about all the officers' roles and responsibilities and people interested in running can start stuffing whatever skeletons they have into closets.   Also the meeting is in A221 Langley at 9pm. Best, Jon

Meeting minutes 18 days until Groundhog Day

Hey folks, First meeting of the semester tonight was awesome!   A big ol' hello to all the new folks who came out tonight! We talked about different job opportunities in the outdoors, because who doesn't dream about getting paid to hang out by trees and stuff.   Here are some links: SCA website: All Hands All Hearts: Alt-Break: Spruce Knob Mountain Center: Backdoor Jobs: Cool Works: Hope everyone has a great week Best, Jon

First meeting of 2k19: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Hey Folks, Hope everybody had a great time over break! Our first meeting of the year is tomorrow night (Tuesday 1/14) at 9:15p in A221 Langley. We're going to be talking about job opportunities in the outdoors.  Come by so you can find out how to get paid for hanging out in the woods. Best, Jon