10/5 Meetaroni and cheesing

Hey you hoopy froods, 

Tuesday 10/5 is that wonderful time of the week again where we all get together and hang out on the William Pitt Union Patio at 9pm and chit chat about all kinds of goodness. 

This week we're having sign ups for a super swanky backpacking trip along the Laurel Highlands hiking trail the weekend of September 16th.  If you're stoked to carry a big ol' backpack along scenic trails and past some pretty neat vistas then this is the trip for you.  

If you've got any waivers and dues you're itching to give us, or questions about upcoming trips, swing by and we'll get you all squared away.

If you can't make the Ohiopyle trip this weekend don't despair, our awesome president Rita found some cool stuff to keep your psych stoked!
       Free Yoga!
       Kayaking through Pittsburgh!

Hope to see everyone there, except Jack because apparently he's too cool for us.



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