
Showing posts from March, 2023

Pre-Meeting Email - 3/28

Hello all! Meeting is tomorrow! Be there or be square! 9pm, in the Cathedral of Learning, room 242. A few notes about what we'll be covering: Firstly, we had a super successful trip to Cherry Springs this past weekend, officers will speak to the fun times that it was so that you can get hype for its return next Fall and Spring! Secondly, and big news here, Allegheny is CHANGING. Due to weather abnormalities, we're concerned it might not only be cold, but could be dangerously cold. For that reason, we are diverting to Mt. Davis. Mt. Davis will be a day trip to PA's highest peak, departure aimed for 8am on Saturday, with a return in the afternoon. Sign-ups are open RIGHT NOW. If you're interested or what to learn more click the link: We need to get this moving quickly so signups will close Wednesday at noon with the roster being sent out shortly thereafter. Thirdly, we have Coopers Rock coming this Saturday too! Weather is looking some...

The Meeting 1,856 Days After The First "Groundhog Day" Email

Hello all you beautiful people!! I will attach this again, because it seems people don't read far past the starting few lines, if you would like to unsubscribe, please do so here: Yesternight we had a lovely time handing out merch! To all those who came, I hope you are deeply appreciative of your beautiful green shirts that match your beautiful personalities. As well as any stickers or carabiners you snagged! We also held a little raffle for some gift cards that were super sick, so I hope you all enjoyed that too! People going to Cherry Springs this weekend have already been reached out to, please message those trip coordinators if you have any questions! INFO ABOUT SHIRTS: We did a reservation form for the merch shirts, because while shirts are free for members, we wanted to get an informed number of sizes to order to reduce waste! However, as it happens there's usually some that people don't pick up and we have extras anyways. T...

The Meeting 1,849 Days After The First "Groundhog Day" Email

Hello all you beautiful people! I've been getting a decent few emails about this, so I'll put it at the top of the email, if you would like to unsubscribe, please go to this link to manage your membership: Apologies for the delay on this email coming out, normally this would go out last night, but y'know, Pitt Basketball blah blah blah, it's here now! Let's get right into the recap of last night's meeting! Calendar Our calendar is updated!! If you would like to look ahead at this semester to see when trips are happening please check it out on our website here:   Cherry Springs We also held signups for Cherry Springs last night! This trip will be help from 3/24-3/26, accommodations will be inside cabins in order to minimize cold risk and there will be hiking and *hopefully* (fingers crossed) some lovely stargazing in what I believe is the least light polluted locati...

Outdoors Club GBM 3/14

Howdy friends!! President Kira reporting here, stealing the email from Aidan for a minute because I'm in a typing mood and big news: THE CLUB IS HAVING A GBM TOMORROW WOO MEETING INFO: 239  Cathedral of Learning, 9pm, Tuesday 3/14/2023 Is it our first GBM of the semester? Maybe yea i think so. Is it halfway through the semester? Yep! Am I gonna blame it on the weather? You betcha! (Basically hard for club to do stuff when cold. and officers in hibernation. brr. also i don't want to step on ski club's shoes (skis? step on their skis? does that make sense?) too much. but mostly the cold. it is still cold but we are doin stuff) STUFF HAPPENING AT MEETING TOMORROW: We'll be going over the schedule for the semester- it's up on our website but we'll give some more info & field questions if you have 'em!   Signups for Cherry Springs (3/24-3/26, staying in cabins, hiking) Signups for Cooper's Rock (Satur...