The Meeting 1,329 Days After The First "Groundhog Day" Email
Hello everyone!
Once again, sorry for the delay on the email, busy week!
Last weekend we had Raystown mountain biking! All had a lovely time and some had a gnarly time! Respect to those that came out a little banged up as they really just want to heal up to get right back!
The New River Gorge is this weekend, all information is being communicated with those going, if any of you have any questions, text me please!
McConnell's Mill is next weekend, we plan to have some hiking there and signups will be at next Tuesday's meeting and sent in the (more timely) email immediately after!
One of our former members, Nicole Thompson, and a former manager at the Trees Rock Wall now works out in California and sent us some national park job applications, knowing we have access to many an outdoorsy folk. I will forward these emails separately, please peruse if interested!
Last but not least, the men's soccer team has asked us to ask you guys to attend their soccer game, normally we wouldn't care too much about this, but they are offering cash prizes to the clubs with the most attendance, and given we are the largest club, we've got a decent chance to win. We would then promptly use that money on you guys either for merch or a pizza party or something! The game is October 25th, at 7pm vs. UMass.
Apologies for the late email and apologies for the briefness, but I'm trying to get this out really quickly!
Please be aware that just because someone else is crossing the street, does not mean it's safe for you to cross the street. Solitary animals get roadkilled one at a time. Sheep get hit in packs.
Not sure what that metaphor means, don't read into it. But be your own person, make sure you're jaywalking because YOU know it's safe not because someone else is doing it!
See ya!
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