Meeting minutes for 39 days after Groundhog Day

Hey folks,

Here's the sign up for the March 24 trip to Raystown Lake for some awesome mountain biking.  
If you don't have a mountain bike don't despair, we're renting a bunch for the day so if want to ride all you need is your self and a willingness to shred.  

On March 25th, from 12:30 - 4 the Pitt Climbing Wall is holding a friendly bouldering open house for Pitt students, there will be a bunch of cool new problems set for people to send and chances to win some sweet sweet prizes.

Last but not least, the Pitt News is doing a March Madness bracket thing with all the student orgs on campus, and the winner gets a whole bunch of free food from Hello Bistro.  To win we just have to go to once a week and vote for ourselves, we're up against the band this week though so all that free food isn't going to come without a fight.  People are already getting psyched for midterm elections, but their a long ways off.  Think of this as voting practice, but instead of effecting political change you're voting for free lunch.  Everyone likes lunch.  Lunch is bipartisan as hell.  So get out there and prove Friedman wrong, vote Free Lunch 2018.



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