10/10 Meeting Minutes

Hey folks,

Last night we had sign ups for the 10/20-22 caving trip to Lewisburg, WV.  If you couldn't make the meeting here's a link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd31OOBnXZCuUeVmYZTOLR8tuGHLqwRLvBtfLfeCSTEtan29A/viewform?usp=sf_link

That same weekend POC is jumping out of planes.  If you've ever wondered what terminal velocity feels like Saturday 10/21 is your day.  The cost is currently $239 per person, but that will go down if enough people sign up.  If you're interested, bring Adelie your $50 deposit by next Tuesday's meeting and sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemd6qWdDzIB9JfcSh7Nt3g3EIGX_q8ZDoHIYuTakOK1WHnDw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Weekly mountain bike rides and trail runs are still going on.  If you're interested in getting involved, shoot us an email. 

Gear Fest is this Saturday in Schenley Plaza.  Drop by because everyone needs more gear, despite what your bank account and loved ones keep saying. 

Ascend is having free yoga this Saturday as well, check out their website for more info: www.ascendpgh.com 



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