Being outside is cool (minutes)

Hi everybody,
The ohiopyle trip is going out the weekend of 3/7-3/8, we'll get an email out to the people who are going as soon as we figure out where ohiopyle is.  Sorry folks, signups are closed.

Skydiving = Officially Canceled.  too few of TWO signed up. So we cannot run the trip. Sad sad

Seneca rocks and Dolly Sods are the weekend of 3/15-3/16, come chase the easter bunny up rocks or through the woods.  

Dolly Sods is our advanced level backpacking trip, it'll be about 10 miles a day through trees and stuff in West (or Best) Virginia. 

Seneca rocks is a big tall rock thing in West Virginia that we're going to climb up and then go back down and climb up again and its going to be nuts.  It's a more advanced climbing trip so make sure you get up to the Trees climbing wall some time Monday to Thursday from 4-10 o'clock for a workshop to learn how to rappel, lead belay, manage ropes, and deal with trad gear.  It will take about 30 minutes to get a handle on each thing if you are new to these skills.  The Seneca trip isn't confirmed yet but we will let you know when we confirm it.

In the mean time go do something cool outside of a building, peace


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