Not So Watery Minutes

Hey all Outdoors Enthusiasts,
We had another fun filled meeting last night.  We held a presentation about a trip out to Joshua Tree National Park and Red Rock that some people took.  
Elections will be next Tuesday 2/7.  It is not too late to run!  If you are interested, email Matt at  Here is the officer role list!
We have some pool sessions coming up!  If you are interested in learning to white water kayak, this is for you.  You can learn the basics of rolling a kayak.  They will be Sunday, February 12th 8am - 12pm and Sunday March 12th 8am - 12pm.  For more info on this and all things whitewater, email Zach at
Listen up all ye climbers! The Pitt Climbing Wall Competition will be on Saturday, February 11th.  Registration starts at 9 am.  Here is the Facebook page.
That is all folks.
See you next week,


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