Oompa Loompa Minutes
Hey HomeSkittles (Taste the Rainbow)
Hope you Good friends are excited fOr Spring Break, I knOw that I am. Can't wait to hear all of the fun aDventure stories.
We are stiLl selling stuff. So if yoU want merChandise, let me Know like no other. Water bottles $15, T-shirts $10.
Saturday 3/19
Venture Outdoors Skills Workshop. Learn how to survive in the wild wilderness so you don't get eaten by a bear or soMe stuff.
Sunday 3/20
Bouldering at Cooper's rock. A greAt way to hanG out in nature and Get on some ROCKS!
HAHAHAHA, If you want to bike scavEnger hunt (Like badass finding stuff)
I'm reaching out to let you and the Outdoors Club know about our first annual bike scavenger hunt, the WPTS Radio Ride. The ride begins in Oakland and then progresses through Bloomfield to Lawrenceville and down the strip to Point State Park. Riders will be stopping at different businesses and landmarks to take part in challenges. The scavenger hunt ends in South Side at OTB, a bike bar and restaurant, where there will be drinks specials for people participating in the ride!
We are inviting teams of 3-5 people to come out and participate, and I wanted to see if any members of your club would be interested in forming an "Outdoors Club Team"! The registration fee is $15 per person, and all proceeds go to Variety, a charity that makes special bikes for disabled children.
Email Kim at kimmytdinh@pitt.edu if you are interested.
Have a dope like a telescope spring break everyone. Enjoy, and have ALL OF THE STORIES!
Connor Martin
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