POC easy as MINutes
Hello… my name is elder Martin, and I come to you with words of POC.
We have some stuff going on even though it's getting chilly.
SpookySpooky Haloweekend Oct 31st
We are climbing the great peak of Seneca Rocks, in our spooky Halloween costumes. If you are going, you should already be in the KNOW HOW!
Saturday 10/31
If you want to be sevicable, Plant some trees in the vill of Lawrence AKA Lawrenceville
Saturday 11/7
Holy smokes, November is here already. Here is the day bouldering trip to Cooper's Rock you've been waiting for! So ROCK ON!
If you are a man (or woman) come to MANchester to plant some trees HAHAHAHAHA
If you want money to plan trips, check (Please) this out .http://www.cybergrants.com/pls/cybergrants/quiz.display_question?x_gm_id=4494&x_quiz_id=6932&x_order_by=1
That's all for nowsies. I think I'm going to sweep away in a sleepy place.
Conga Drum (But really, my name is Canoe)
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