Minutes mmmm

Hey all you people (won't you listen to me!) We are trying to cram as much junk into the end of the semester as humanly possible!


-5-7 South Oakland sign tree care meet in front of Posvar. Details have been sent. Contact Kimmy at kimmytdinh@pitt.edu with any questions

-After you help people, go do some rad yoga with Dom and Rita at the wall at 7pm


-Friday 8-11 PM is LADIES NIGHT at the wall. Lots of lady-like music and climbing going on. ITS FREE (if you're a lady). If you're a guy and wear a sports bra you may or may not get in free (you will)

-Saturday go to Wilkensburg 9am. Do some community service and help good people. Sign up here. We will send details if you sign up. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lkHBFcLhxrUCKOU0e173radh-pjTXqlfTqdvaoyZ1Pc/viewform?usp=send_form

-Saturday at 1 pm build 5 new garden beds at Frazier farms in South Oakland. HELP



-We got the pyle of Ohio (OHIOPYLE) trip THIS weekend ☺

So if you signed up, be on the lookout for the car list coming out Tomorrow (YA)

-BIKE TOUR ON SUNDAY! So if you signed up for that you'll get all of the dirty deats in an email tomorrow.


-Sunday 26th (its after finals, we know). BUT, if you're around, Venture Outdoors is throwing us a rafting trip to soak up that White Water. Sign up here.


-Next week will be our LAST (oh no) meeting of the semester. So be there so we can reflect on all the good times of the year.

That's it guys. Take it easy. Keep it classy.

Yours truly,

Konor Fartin


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