Hey all you Rickity Ramblin Rollers,
Its that time of the week again (the time that you have all been waiting for). The POC minutes are here!
Oh boy do we have some stuff this week to whett your outside whistle!
David Uber (The Notorious D.U.B.) will be leading a backpacking trip on the Laurel Highlands Trail this weekend! It's going to be awesome! Signups have already happened but you can add yourself to the alternate section if you're feeling lucky like a Liger.
Signups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuUKHSA7sYc5dHZrdEJmTGUwTFJTM0ZYOC1WRXM3ZHc&usp=sharing
There will be a sport climbing workshop at the Tree's climbing wall help by Josh Cumberland and myself tomorrow (Thursday 2/21) at 7:00PM Eastern Standard Time. This is a bit different from previous workshops in that we are asking that you have a pretty solid base of climbing before the workshop. In particular you should be able to comfortably top rope 5.9 routes. If you are not at this level yet however just come anyway to practice your climbing skills (and hang out with The Joshlex).
We are hoping to take a quick ice climbing trip out to Schenley Park on Saturday morning. This is weather dependent. If you would like to go, you need stiff boots, some warm clothes, and a fiery pinch of adventure (its a long approach). Josh and I will be going to check out the ice on Friday to see if it is climbable. We will send an email Friday night with the low down. For now though we will just have signups and proceed like we are going. If the ice sucks we could always go to IHop or something like a happy family.
Signups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuUKHSA7sYc5dEpwMEZhU0JaOUpYYzhsZTl1Sm9JakE&usp=sharing
Until next week, this Alex Quinn. Signing off. Take care.
Its that time of the week again (the time that you have all been waiting for). The POC minutes are here!
Oh boy do we have some stuff this week to whett your outside whistle!
David Uber (The Notorious D.U.B.) will be leading a backpacking trip on the Laurel Highlands Trail this weekend! It's going to be awesome! Signups have already happened but you can add yourself to the alternate section if you're feeling lucky like a Liger.
Signups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuUKHSA7sYc5dHZrdEJmTGUwTFJTM0ZYOC1WRXM3ZHc&usp=sharing
There will be a sport climbing workshop at the Tree's climbing wall help by Josh Cumberland and myself tomorrow (Thursday 2/21) at 7:00PM Eastern Standard Time. This is a bit different from previous workshops in that we are asking that you have a pretty solid base of climbing before the workshop. In particular you should be able to comfortably top rope 5.9 routes. If you are not at this level yet however just come anyway to practice your climbing skills (and hang out with The Joshlex).
We are hoping to take a quick ice climbing trip out to Schenley Park on Saturday morning. This is weather dependent. If you would like to go, you need stiff boots, some warm clothes, and a fiery pinch of adventure (its a long approach). Josh and I will be going to check out the ice on Friday to see if it is climbable. We will send an email Friday night with the low down. For now though we will just have signups and proceed like we are going. If the ice sucks we could always go to IHop or something like a happy family.
Signups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuUKHSA7sYc5dEpwMEZhU0JaOUpYYzhsZTl1Sm9JakE&usp=sharing
Until next week, this Alex Quinn. Signing off. Take care.
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