
Showing posts from February, 2023


Hello all you beautiful people!! WE'RE GETTING MERCH! As is always the case, membership comes with merch!! We will be providing every dues-paying member with a shirt and a sticker, HOWEVER, that means we need to know what size shirt our members want! Please fill out this form by TUESDAY MIDNIGHT in order to confirm your preferred shirt size! What will the shirt look like? Excellent question! It will be similar to this year's design, except it will be a dark green with white colors for the design and logo (similar to the officer's beanies this past year). If you are not a member, but would still like a shirt you can purchase one for $15! If you have any other questions please email me! Aidan

Elections Summary

Hello all you beautiful people! Last night we had our elections, a few parties ran unopposed, but we did have a few races! In the end we will have three new administrative peeps next year! New Admin President) Ally Wetherhold Vice President) Owen Knight Business Manager) Emma Horning Secretary) Sophie Meyer Activity-specific VP's (like hiking VP, climbing VP, etc) will be decided amongst the chairs as these roles are less administrative and more so created to organize the chairs, thus, they're selected by the chairs! In addition, you did read that last admin role correctly, as I'm graduating, I will be passing the torch at the end of the semester, I'll write some real heartfelt message later to say goodbye and then y'all can bawl your eyes out, but NO SOONER OKAY? Lastly, I'm gonna plug it one more time, sign-up for our climbing trip to breakneck!! It's gonna be super fun, just a little day trip THIS Saturday. We already have a roster semi-finalized, but hav...

Merch Design Reminder

Hello all!! Apologies for the delay on more information regarding merch designs, BUT we have received very few submissions for club merch designs. Therefore, there will be very little competition for your design to win!! Just a thought, perhaps now your interest is piqued! Perfect! Just a reminder to submit your designs to Jules at . We are putting down a tentative deadline as 2/18 for our final acceptance for merch designs, if you would like to submit something, but need slightly more time to finish it up, please email Jules to work that out, we don't want to lose out on a dope design because you were a few days late! Appreciate y'all, hope you stay warm until the day itself warms up!! Your best friend (I hope), Aidan

PODC Elections??? (not clickbait)

Hello all you beautiful people!! This email is coming to you in the love Times New Roman as I copied a bunch of stuff from our notes and can't be bothered to change the font. We have a bit of a lot of information, so I would politely ask that you take five minutes to read through the whole email and then let your questions be generated! :) FIRSTLY, we will have ELECTIONS. This is something we used to do, but really got thrown off due to covid and just a whole load of chaos. BUT, as we feel we have the club back on track, we are opening it back up! On 2/21, in Cathy 239, at 9:15pm, we will be meeting and then holding elections at 9:30pm. We will be sending out an email between now and then to update candidate information. YOU MUST be in-person to vote. If you have a conflict at the time, you will need to coordinate with us in advance to submit a sealed envelope with your vote AHEAD of the meeting. With this in mind, we have two forms that we will ask you to fill out. Firstly, we hav...