Hello beautiful people! I hope you got my email about the SOOS thing, I probably could have included that here, but I didn't want to work with writing an email around a forwarded message soooo, you're getting two! But just two don't fret! I lied in the SOOS email, I hope you can forgive me. :) First! Our Officer Interest Meeting. This is coming up real quicklike, because wow, it's basically already February, who's doing this? This meeting is THIS TUESDAY at 8:45 est. Kira has put together a beautiful flyer so bop: Wowwwwwww so pretty, that's got all the stuff you need sooooo yeah! Please come if you are interested in being an officer, again, per my previous update email, do not be an officer if you don't want to deal with managerial responsibilities. We love our senders (and officers send too) but responsibility is a big thing with being an officer so yeah! SECOND We have a club feedback form! We are pretty much all new to leading this club and are really t...