Derpyderp Outdoor Tippers, I hip hope you all had a great time with this tropicana weather. We bought a new raft and pump! That means that we can expand the locations and frequency of our white water rafting trips. So get raving for rapids! Our contract with Venture Outdoors is over, so we will not be working with them anymore. So that means no free ski trip. However, if you are hankering from that ski bug, check out Pitt's two ski clubs. Next week we will be holding elections. All positions are on the table. This includes, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, white water chair, climbing chair, backpacking/hiking chair, special events chair, gear master, and caving chair. Details for each position can be seen in the link below. Make sure you get your nominations into Matt if you want to run for something. email those to him at . https://docs.g...