The Meeting 1,350 Days After The First "Groundhog Day" Email
Hello Beautiful People! I think this is gonna be a pretty brief email, so let's see if my hunch is correct! We did NOT have Breakneck this past weekend due to inclimate weather, we are working on rescheduling this, those who were put on the first trip will get priority to go on the rescheduled one! We have Cherry Springs coming up! Two weekends away, to be precise! We held signups at the meeting and are providing the opportunity here too: We will endeavor to make the roster quickly in order to get you the info quickly! Plantsburgh is an event that is being held in the WPU lower lounge on November 8th at 3pm, if you want to hear from some speakers and get some free plants, please attend! Pumpkin recycling (pumpkins must be *untreated*) is happening this Thursday and the next Thursday in the WPU plaza from 10:30am to 2pm. Also, we had some lovely Art of Making students in our meeting today, it's a difficult class, both Kira and I are alums and...