Hey folks, Hope your stoke transmission is geared to get weird because we're about to powershift this sumbitch and bounce the send-levels off the redline. These next couple weekends, Weekends, WEEKENDS we're heading off on some sweet trips. Like a soccer mom with a hydroflask full of zinfandel, we've got minivans and they're going all over the place. . I don't care how psyched you are, you're not psyched enough. Hell yeah I just figured out how links work. Novembers 1st, 2nd, and 3rd we're going down to Seneca ROCKS ! We're going to be CAVING and CLIMBING . The caving there is pretty cool, real dark and stuff. The climbing is pretty cool too. The routes are fun and there's some decent exposure, which is not the kind I got arrested for. Then two weeks later we're gonna go look at space from the woods. Novembers 15th, 16th, and 17th we're heading out to Cherry Springs. Cherry Springs is one of the darkest places in the c...