
Showing posts from September, 2015

Great Oogalie Boogolie Minutes

Greeting Earthlings, We come in peace from the island of POC Serving you (with an ace) with the minutes for the week If you want to help a fellow student with sustainability, check this quick survey out. It literally takes 30 seconds (I timed myself, 23 seconds dawwgs) We did some great community events this weekend! Thanks to everyone who helped out Now (and later (like the candy)) are fast approaching, (like Usain Bolt fast) TRIPS Friday 10/2 We have a boating and service trip. If you are going you have already gotten an email with the delirious details Saturday 10/3 Crumpets of the day climbing trip is going out. You also, should have received an email about the Pacifi… I mean specifics Students, faculty, and staff from members of the Higher Education Climate Consortium are invited to an East End Farming Day with Repair the World on October 3 (Saturday) from 9am until 12:30pm. Coffee and Lunch (Panera) will be provided! Please bring your own...

Spiderman: A True POC Hero

Hey POC, Can you dig it? Yea, well minutes aren't physical hence, hard to DIG. I hope all had a tootsie time this week. Ohiopyle was super hot FIRE'in Fun, 1st off, we are selling Merch. All orders must be made by the meeting next Tuesday. If you want an official POC Nalgene water bottle for $15 or T-shirt for $10, bring money next Tuesday or contact me (Connor) at to give me money. Links to see the merch are hither. We need a minimum of 48 water bottles to place an order. Gift 'em to your whole famdamily ZE SHIRT, WALAA! We are the knights who say… UPCOMING TRIPS Saturday 9/26 9 am trail cleaning, signup sheet went out last week, here it is for any straggles The same evening we have another service trip. Join the Tireless Project and Green & Healthy Schools Academy for this Green Apple Day...

A POC Reminder

Aloha POC Beach Bums, Don't forget… Tonight (Tuesday) we have Nick's Qdoba Tuesday at 8pm, then after that the meeting at 9pm at the WPU Patio. Come eat and greet and take a seat at Qdoba with us. Qdoba Tuesday will happen EVERY Tuesday before the meetings unless we say otherwise. Also. If you want a T-shirt or water bottle, don't forget to bring money, $10 for a t-shirt, $15 for a water bottle, both with our sweet new logo on it. Check it out See you Tonight! Convoy Condor ConCon Connory Martin Attachments --------------- Final_POC_Shirt_Design_Final.docx [231.56 KB]:

POC: Wavier

Hey All, I realized that the waiver links that I have sent out have not been working. So here is the waiver attached. Tootles Connor Martin Attachments --------------- Club_Waiver.pdf [52.42 KB]:

POC: Peculiar Octopus Creamery

Yo Diggity, coming right atcha, the POC Minutes (Applause) WOHHOOOO. We have some great things going on To knight (haha see what I did there?) If you haven't turned in a waiver, print it here and PAY YO DUES $10 for the semester, $15 for the year Don't forget to like our Facebook Page If you like wearing clothes and drinking water (like, who doesn't), you better pecker up those ears! We are selling POC t-shirts for $10 a pop and Nalgene water bottles for $15 a piece. They will have this sweet logo on them (look at that stunning attachment). So if you want one, bring money to the next meeting to place your order. Weekend 9/19 - 20 The Ohiopyle trip is going out. If you are going you should have received an email about it. If you are planning to climb, go up to the wall sometime this week to learn to belay, preferably between 4-7 on Thursday when Matt is ...

POC Meeting 10pm

Attention all Outdoor Doers, Tomorrow's meeting will be at 10PM on Tuesday at the WPU Patio. Be aware, this is 1 hour later than normal. Tell your friends, you uncle, your ex-sister in law, you uncle's wife's daughter's unborn neighbor's girlfriend. BE THERE WE OUUUT Connor Martin

More Biking

Hey All, Tired of me yet? Good, If you like to sign up to bike MORE this weekend and own your own bike, come to this ride on Saturday 9/12 1 PM -4 It's Gonna Be Fun. Toodles, Connor Martin

Ice POCey: A Sport

Aloha from the dangerously volcanic POC island! We have SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES with these bunk beds. Comin' right atcha! If you haven't done so yet. Get your dues and waivers in. $15 for the semester. $20 for the year. Here is a link to the waiver In order to maintain your trip eligibility, you must partake in at least one service day trip per semester. So have some Good Will (Hunting) (or Thrifting I suppose). Those will be coming up. But now. The Aaron Carter style Candy. (You know, I want candy)… The Trips Weekend of 9/12 Backpacking at laurel highlands is this weekend. You should know who you are if you are going. Sunday 9/13 There are still TONS of spots to go biking around the city from 10am-12pm. Don't have a bike? You're in luck! They are being supplied for the trip. Don't snooze through this awesome trip. Sign up here

2POC (haha get it) Minuets

Welcome all POC members to your first flirty minutes of the semester. Here is the waver DAWWGGGGS UKHSA7sYc5WnFWZkwzYnBwQjgFirst , a few little (oompa loompa tiny) disclaimers: People who signed up at the activities fair on Sunday are not yet on the email list. SOOO, if you know anyone in this party (party pooper, BOOO), forward them this email. We have this awesome Facebook (bookface, what have you) page where you can get all the uppity updates of our club. NOW FOR The meaty porky dorky meat of the email…. UPCOMING TRIPS!!! Friday 9/4 From 6pm - 8pm we will be Kayaking the MIGHTY Al me zany… Ah I'll gain he…. Allegheny river. So if you're interested, sign up here. You must sign up by Wednesday 9/2 at Midnight Sunday 9/6 Geocaching (AKA Finding stuff in the woods using GPS) is going down (Yelling Timb...