Meeting Minutes
Gentlemen of forest and ladies of the land, Just to recap last week's meeting here are the results of officer elections: President - Troy Ferland VP - Katherine Anderson Treasurer - Philip Sweet Secretary - Nick Penatzer Climbing Chairs - Joey DeShane, Grady Martin Backpacking Chairs - Erik Jensen, Brendan Karras Water Chair - Caroline Baggott Caving Chairs - Jordan Vogt, Ali Greenholt Special Events Chair - Sara Geary, Amy Johnson Gear Masters - Dominic Milesi, Evan Scott Web Master - Dominic Milesi TACO CHAIR - CONNOR MARTIN YEA Congrats to all our new Officers and Chairs, and thanks to everyone who came to vote. Now on to the gooey good stuff (1) GASP Bike Ride Data Collection Shawn McMullen, an intern from GASP came and talked about an air quality awareness bike ride that is happening on April 4th. Riding/air sampling is happening over the course of 12 hours from 8am to 8pm to help gather data! You need not ride for the entire time, any help is welcome. The event is bring your...