Outdoors(ish) Club Happenings

Hey you Krackling Kampers, Welcome to this week's edition of the Outdoors Club happenings. We had our first meeting this past Tuesday and it was awesome to see so many excited new members out there. Some general (tater) tots of information: - Don't forget about the scavenger hunt going on in Schenley park tonight (Thursday 8/29)! It sounds sort of cheesy but we promise it will be fun. You'll get to meet other members of the club (in a romantic and intimate setting), hike a bit, possibly eat some food, and light that spark between you and that outdoorsy looking gal or gentleman you've had your eye on. We're meeting at Schenley plaza at 7:30 and it shouldn't last more than 2 hours. It might be muddy from the rain the last couple days. - Our first trip to Ohiopyle is going out in two weeks! This trip includes rafting, kayaking, climbing, hiking, camping, skipping, frolicing, dancing, dancing, and dancing. We'll talk more about this trip during the n...